It's only for a moment you are mine to hold
The plans that heaven has for you
Will all too soon unfold
So many different prayers I'll pray
For all that you might do
But most of all I'll want to know
You're walking in the truth
And If I never told you
I want you to know
As I watch you grow
I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
May passion be the wind
That leads you through your days
And may conviction keep you strong
Guide you on your way
May there be many moments
That make your life so sweet
Oh, but more than memories
It's not living if you don't reach for the sky
I'll have tears as you take off
But I'll cheer as you fly
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Find Your Wings - Mark Harris
Monday, February 16, 2009
good affternoon teajer
yes, i started my practical. but only officially starting to teach tmr....either form 1/2. life is gonna b BZ for the next 3 months. walked around the school today and goodness....feels kinda odd and funny to have students coming up to me and say "gud aftrnoon teajer." and i have to reply "good afternoon" till my mouth tired of replying....hahaha...feel like just making a card with the word "good aftrnoon" on it and lift it up evrytime students great me LOL. again, it's weird too coz i've been a student all my life...literally...and now in reverse i'm the teacher. freakily exciting!!
teachers who taught me before were super surprised to meet me, while just a few kinda ignored me. below is a little scene which took place between me and one cute teacher:
teacher1: hey sharon!!
sharon: hey!
teacher1: wat u doing here?
sharon: practical for 3 months.
teacher1: ooo wow, u've grown up!! goodness!!
sharon:'s just 4 years ago...**nervous laughter**
teacher1: wah so big dy. **turns and talk to teacher2**
teacher2: **speaking to teacher1** eh, cikgu baru ke? bully je la...haha
teacher1: cannot, i know her, taught her before.
sharon: -.-''''
then again, i really cudn't sleep last night thinking of how to handle the class....and yea...ended up didn't go into any classes today. but i'll b taking classes from tmr onwards. Pn Julie, the aftrnoon session head, told me to not be too nice to them on da 1st day of class...coz they'd climb over my head.....girls...HOW TO NOT BE NICE???? dilemma..... plz plz plz plz pray for me!!! i need all the prayer i can get....
oh ya, orientation for ex-form 5 was good. got to know all the girls. guys.....well okok la...i got to know randy, chee liang, sek teng and ps jeremy better then the members not too bad. rebecca made ALL OF THE GIRLS ride the "flying coaster" in genting....which is slightly different then the normal roller coaster which u sit down when u r on it...this...u hv to lie down on ur tummy and fly like superman. i tell u....prisc, myself and stacey froze and wanted to run away aftr taking one look at the thing. super freaky....sommore we were talking about how ppl die and all from sitting the "solero shots". wonderful rite? so, rebecca bought the tickets and forced all of us, with cold hands and funny stomuch....prisc, stacey and i went on the same ride with nervous laughter. up and up and up we went, giving each other pep talk on the way....then when we hit the pit of the top...we froze and our minds thought the same thing..."this is it.." and the next thing u hear is stacey's "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". prisc was silent. as for me...i laughed all the way -.-'' plz i duno y ask....i tried to scream too...really wan....but i ended up laughing again. but ya it was fun!!! i had a great weekend :) the ride looks like below:

teachers who taught me before were super surprised to meet me, while just a few kinda ignored me. below is a little scene which took place between me and one cute teacher:
teacher1: hey sharon!!
sharon: hey!
teacher1: wat u doing here?
sharon: practical for 3 months.
teacher1: ooo wow, u've grown up!! goodness!!
sharon:'s just 4 years ago...**nervous laughter**
teacher1: wah so big dy. **turns and talk to teacher2**
teacher2: **speaking to teacher1** eh, cikgu baru ke? bully je la...haha
teacher1: cannot, i know her, taught her before.
sharon: -.-''''
then again, i really cudn't sleep last night thinking of how to handle the class....and yea...ended up didn't go into any classes today. but i'll b taking classes from tmr onwards. Pn Julie, the aftrnoon session head, told me to not be too nice to them on da 1st day of class...coz they'd climb over my head.....girls...HOW TO NOT BE NICE???? dilemma..... plz plz plz plz pray for me!!! i need all the prayer i can get....
oh ya, orientation for ex-form 5 was good. got to know all the girls. guys.....well okok la...i got to know randy, chee liang, sek teng and ps jeremy better then the members not too bad. rebecca made ALL OF THE GIRLS ride the "flying coaster" in genting....which is slightly different then the normal roller coaster which u sit down when u r on it...this...u hv to lie down on ur tummy and fly like superman. i tell u....prisc, myself and stacey froze and wanted to run away aftr taking one look at the thing. super freaky....sommore we were talking about how ppl die and all from sitting the "solero shots". wonderful rite? so, rebecca bought the tickets and forced all of us, with cold hands and funny stomuch....prisc, stacey and i went on the same ride with nervous laughter. up and up and up we went, giving each other pep talk on the way....then when we hit the pit of the top...we froze and our minds thought the same thing..."this is it.." and the next thing u hear is stacey's "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". prisc was silent. as for me...i laughed all the way -.-'' plz i duno y ask....i tried to scream too...really wan....but i ended up laughing again. but ya it was fun!!! i had a great weekend :) the ride looks like below:

Sunday, February 8, 2009
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