Story so alike mine, story so similar.
Really makes me wonder, makes me ponder.
Will my happy ending be the same?
Or maybe just the other?
Do You write the same story twice?
Or put a twist to the other?
I so want it the same.
It feels so much comforting and better.
But, Your plans, somehow I know, goes for the latter.
Contemplating, wondering....
Dang! This is so confusing!!
I want to be patient, I really do.
But, just having this feelings just would'nt do.
Daddy, take it, stop it!
Do whatever it takes.
Stop it from going all over my head.
No matter what the storyline will be,
No matter how long I may endure.
One thing is for sure,You are all I'm living for.
The pains of growing is all I need to bear.
But the fruits of it deems it fair.
Carry me through this if You may?
My own feet may not take me there.
An offering for You, my life will it be.
Any ending, any style, to Your decree.
Grant me Your will and so let it be.
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