Monday, September 29, 2008

growing up

after looking at the title, what does it mean to u? to me, it means change.

growing up or change for the matter, is NEVER an easy issue for me....i never liked change or ppl just disrupting the flow of just gets me agitated and wana go "rwar" at them. but somehow, no matter how i hate it, God still doesn't hesitate to give me a few twist here and there to see how i fair (gee...thanks God...haha).... so how did i fair? so far so good i'd say, as when the time comes, it's sink or swim...literally.

why am i talking about this? well, i've just read this article by Matt Kaufman in "boundless" which also titled growing up and some of the stuff he said got me thinking....

"It would be nice to think wisdom and maturity come with age and experience. That would certainly suit me, both because I'm gaining in both those categories and because it's often true. At times, though, the opposite happens. People may lock into attitudes in their youth that only harden over time. They decide they've got the world, or other people, all figured out, and no one can tell them they might be wrong. They hang onto those attitudes all the more stubbornly as they go along, as if admitting major misjudgments would render their lives meaningless."

it's so true tat evryone tend to think that maturity and wisdom and all just comes naturally as we grow up...which true in one way, tat it does happen as some ppl go through life's experience, gained something, and mature from there, whereas, some.....still go through life's "awesome" expereinces and end up bitter and stunted. so, now, the 1 mil question is "how are u taking the changes?" go figure...

many times, it's so easy to just sit and sulk over changes and refuse to move on....but, if we think rasionally, change WILL come as long as we live and the only way to face it is with the help of Jesus....walking us through it all....yea..growing up is hard...but i know i can go through this gaining and growing with wisdom, maturity and gracefully.....bring it on~

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